Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Surprise Surprise!

My my. Hasn't it been a while? I think the whole point of this blog was to eliminate these long bouts of silence Leslie and I would have in our personal blogs. The idea was that, if I was too busy to update, then he'd take over. And vice-versa.

We never thought about the dire consequences if we would both be too busy. That would leave us with 3 inactive blogs. Lots of frustrated procrastinators. And the both of us, usig Facebook as a major mean of communication. Even so, we haven't even done that in a while. Where have you been, pal?

I've been on some form of an internet hiatus these days. I have most of my days planned out. And when I'm not out and about, I'm reading Harry Potter. Even I have to admit, it has gone a little bit out of hand. I've been calling my dog "Sirius Brown". I've went all Expelliarmus on my friends twice so far. And I've been muttering "You Muggles..." at strangers.

Me reliving my childhood exploits may seem trivial at a time where my home is being plagued by political unrest. It isn't all the petty bickering that gets to me, because honestly i cannot remember a time when that hasn't been going on.

It's insane how everybody suddenly turned into political experts. With statuses about a foot long, and tactless videos every 60 seconds. I'm all for finding your oppressed voice and letting your thoughts be heard. But seriously, your thoughts? Where were your thoughts 3 weeks ago before everybody else started talking about the same issue? People who have probably never read a book in their entire life, suddenly all passionate and radical and bold.

Political changes starts with the people, i don't deny that. But what really constitutes to the people? Your entire bandwagon of Facebook friends? It takes so much more than "Liking" something online, so much more than sharing a video. This isn't about sex tapes, making fun of the Prime Minister's weight, or picking sides.

Ultimately, it is about balance. You think everything in real life falls into right and wrong, and black and white. You think people are either villains or the innocent? Every person who has a bad intention has a dark mark and call themselves something predictably sinister like Death Eater. You want to get 100,000 people to support the resignation of your Prime Minister? Then what? Are you going to take over? Are you going to make changes to your country?

It is easy to be screaming for attention and demanding equality and transparency when you're behind the safety of your laptop. But what have you done for your country?

Are you nice to toll booth workers or waiters or security guards? Do you litter and spit and stick chewing gum under desks in the stury area? Do you scream at women in your life, or give a shit about homeless people? If you can't even handle your own personal morals, why do you harp on and on about monumental revolution that you can't even begin to comprehend?

I don't have a problem with people being aware of current issues? It's great that we're not blindfolded anymore.

But sometimes they have such skewed perspectives. Ignorance is terrible. But pair it with blind passion and internet connection and it just turns into utter mayhem.