Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Blog, New Post

I have decided to post slightly more insightful stuff and hopefully appear intelligent to you readers out there. Just so there is no misunderstanding, I am a jerk who thinks he actually has an ounce of smarts. Serious.

I'll keep the lame stuff in my own blog, (because Aimee has administrative rights in this blog) which I hope I will be able to maintain.

Anyway, I had hoped the first post to be a good one, but I don't know how good this is. This is the best among the topics swimming around in my head at the moment.

So, ever had that feeling when walking amongst the throng of people who, each are rushing off and busy living their daily lives, and you feel insignificant? Its like, you have problems, and you know everyone out there has problems. But when you see the number of people out in the streets, all walking in the same direction, unsmiling, rushing off to work/toilet/lectures, its as though we are one large community of strangers. We rush to meet our friends, but we do not recognize the person who shares our streets. Globalization has done that, connect the distant and made the close distant at the same time.

I do get the feeling, in case you have not realized. All the time. I am guessing studying philosophy on my own has side effects (for example, I read my early posts in my regular blog, and I am amused at how shallow and stupid I was to the me now. Part of growing up I guess).

Just to clear things up, I am not an atheist. I believe in God, however I do not believe in the popularized mainstream God(s). If we cannot understand God, certainly religion will fail to explain things properly after the passing of the Prophets. Just to make it obvious, that was my opinion.

Anyway, back to the topic. Don't you feel that the subsequent feeling is a slight melancholy if you don't shake of that feeling of insignificance? I do, in fact I am melancholic most of the time. Side effects of existentialism.

But then, I had a thought. Because I am currently reading Richard Dawkin's 'The Selfish Gene' (I finished Thomas Friendman's 'Lexus and Olive Tree', which was entertaining and insightful), I guess that influenced the thought.

I was a sperm!

Alright no surprises, but look, before I was born, I was a sperm. Swimming around in Dad. Waiting for the great day when I will be sent off in the quest of (hopefully) eternal perpetuation of the species and genes that I carry. Believing that Dad as a married man would have stopped masturbating (I wouldn't know that anyway).

And racing against 3 billion competitors. You would think Amazing Race was intense.

Avoiding obstacles, germs, floating debris, alcohol, cupcakes burgers and clouds and whatnots. Finally in the uterus, which splits into two. I wonder who designed that. Must be a sadist.

So 50/50 chance of getting the right side (haha) of the womb, hoping to find Princess Egg (Ovum). If she is even there.

But cut the long story short, here I am writing this blog entry. As melancholic as I am, it is nonetheless amazing that I am here, pondering over my existence.

Edit: I just realized I did not go through all that to be frustrated about assignments now. It just doesn't sound right

On a side topic, the Kakapo is an amazing bird as well. It has great intelligence, and if my memory serves me right, these guys are amazingly horny. Before you kids out there take my words for your thesis and citing them happily, this is a faint recollection of what I read in the museum, so its highly credible.

Why do I remember this? Because during mating season, the male Kakapo will yell out for females to come over and say 'LETS HAVE SEXXXXXX!'. And guess what? He settles her in 5 seconds.

I'm not kidding, 5 seconds. Then he calls out for other females. But you know, they are poor endangered birds (I think).now. Efforts to get them to breed had been colorful. I remember documentaries saying the bird had fun with people's heads, the blanket, your leg, well virtually everything.

Funny thing is, when they (the people involved) wore a condom-hat (ridiculous as it sounds) to collect its sperm properly, it avoided them and humped the neighbors' heads. So they constructed a machine-female Kakapo and wheeled it in. It refused to play with the piece of... I'm guessing steel.

So there you have it, horny but smart. Exactly the type of bird with character, I must say!

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